Hello Asian orienteers! Since you’re reading this post right now, I assume you’re from one of the dozens of Asian countries where orienteering is booming quick!
This website was originally produced with Swedish orienteers in mind, to attract orienteers from the greatest orienteering country in the world to experience their favourite sport in exotic territory. Now, the website is about to embark on a greater mission: to promote Asian orienteering to the WHOLE WORLD! If Asia is the most populous, most dynamic, and quickest developing continent of the world, why shouldn’t orienteering be?
Share about events, experiences, people, culture, travel and whatever stuff you want to share! Just send a email to oresaasia@gmail.com with the title “Article Submission”. Please enclose some photos to make the article more attractive! I loooooook forward to reading your stories soon!
P.S. check out the event calendar also—tip me any event that I missed! Better if you send me links to event sites! 🙂
P.P.S. I accept ads too! Again, just send a email to that address with the title “Advertisement Enquiry”.