
[To Asian orienteers!] Share about your country’s orienteering and promote to the world!

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Hello Asian orienteers! Since you’re reading this post right now, I assume you’re from one of the dozens of Asian countries where orienteering is booming quick!

This website was originally produced with Swedish orienteers in mind, to attract orienteers from the greatest orienteering country in the world to experience their favourite sport in exotic territory. Now, the website is about to embark on a greater mission: to promote Asian orienteering to the WHOLE WORLD! If Asia is the most populous, most dynamic, and quickest developing continent of the world, why shouldn’t orienteering be?

Share about events, experiences, people, culture, travel and whatever stuff you want to share! Just send a email to with the title “Article Submission”. Please enclose some photos to make the article more attractive! I loooooook forward to reading your stories soon!

P.S. check out the event calendar also—tip me any event that I missed! Better if you send me links to event sites! 🙂

P.P.S. I accept ads too! Again, just send a email to that address with the title “Advertisement Enquiry”.

This is not Asia. However, this is the kind of weather that makes people want to go to Asia.
This is not Asia. However, this is the kind of weather that makes people want to go to Asia.


Now this is Asia! And this is the kind of stuff that makes people want to go to Asia.
Now this is Asia! And this is the kind of stuff that makes people want to go to Asia.

Singapore och Hongkong: tävlingar i mitten av juli / Events in mid-July

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Orientering i Asien

Jag är ganska upptagen på den här semester-och-arbetsresa—men det finns två tävlingar här (både sprint) som du kan tänka dig om du befinner dig i Asien.

I’m quite busy on this holiday-cum-business trip—but there are two events here (both sprints) that you can consider if you are in Asia.

I sommarvärmen—springa sprint / In the summer heat—sprint
I sommarvärmen—springa sprint / In the summer heat—sprint!

Singapore: den 14:e juli (lör) / 14 July (Sat)

Osportz kommer att organisera sprint på Singapore Polytechnic. Campuset är inte så stor, men ganska tät med många parker mellan byggnader. Anmäl före den 11:e juli, ingen anmälan på plats!

Osportz is going to organise sprint at the Singapore Polytechnic. The campus is not big, but quite dense with many parks between buildings. Register before 11 July, no on-site registration!

Hongkong: den 15:e juli (sön) / 15 July (Sun)

Den är verkligen sprintknockout med fyra steg. Försök att inte bli “knocked out”—Men oroa inte—du får springa öppna banan gratis om det händer! Du kan också välja att anmäla till öppna banan mot en avgift. MetOC organiserar. Anmäl före den 8:e juli. (Den här är precis skälet till min upptagenhet!)

It’s actually sprint knockout with four stages. Try not to get knocked out—but don’t worry—you can run the open course for free if that happens! You can also choose to register for the open course with a fee. MetOC organises the event. Register before 8 July. (This is the exact reason I am busy now!)