
Asian orienteers join World Orienteering Championship 2021 in Czechia despite COVID-19

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Asian athletes join WOC 2021 in Czechia despite COVID-19

It’s 2021 and orienteering is making a comeback. Although the pandemic is still raging in many parts of the world, we’ll still see some Asian orienteers at the orienteering highlight of the year, the World Orienteering Championships in Doksy, Czechia (Czech Republic).

Japan and North Korea athletes at Czechia

COVID-19 is still a reality and despite the possibility for many foreign nationals to enter Czechia now, most Asian orienteering countries will not be sending teams to WOC 2021. Even for Asian athletes who choose to come, they’ll most probably have to quarantine for weeks upon returning to their home country even if they’ve fully vaccinated (e.g. 14 days of quarantine for Hong Kong right now).

A photo from the Easter pre-WOC training camp in the area. (Photo: Tomáš Bubela, copyright WOC 2021 organisers.)

However, this year we’ll still be seeing Japan and North Korea at WOC 2021. Japan is sending a team of 8 athletes and 2 officials, according to the team list, while North Korea will be sending KyongSa Ri who currently lives in Norway. The Japanese team is now already in Czechia for pre-race training.

Outside of the Asian IOC region, we have two more countries in geographical Asia but European IOC region taking part in WOC 2021: Israel and Turkey. (For the trans-continental country Russia, due to the Court of Arbitration for Sport decision on the doping scandal, Russian athletes may only join as neutral athletes in 2021 and 2022.)

Doksy is north of Prague around 1 hour by car towards the border with Germany and Poland. The World Orienteering Championships will start there this Saturday (3 July) and continue until 9 July. This edition will feature all three standard distances (sprint, middle, long) to compensate for the postponement of Sprint WOC 2020.

More Asian countries expected in 2022?

WOC 2022 is a Sprint WOC in the Triangle Region (Fredericia/Kolding/Velje in Jutland) of Denmark, having postponed from 2020. As it’s a Sprint WOC, it means there will only be three races—Sprint, Sprint Relay and Knockout Sprint.

That it’s a Sprint WOC might mean great advantage for Asian countries—sprint orienteering in cities is safer for Asian countries with lush vegetation, and has been a focal point for orienteering development there. Singapore, for example, has an abundance of venues suitable for challenging sprint orienteering races.

Sprint orienteering has been a paramount part of Asian orienteering life.
Sprint orienteering is a paramount part of Asian orienteering life. This may be an important factor for Asian countries deciding to debut at WOC 2022 in Denmark (Pictured: a village near Guangzhou, China. Photo by Raphael Mak)

In the past decade a lot of Asian countries have been raising their profile in international orienteering. Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand are a few examples from Southeast Asia that are expected to start sending teams to international high level orienteering competitions in the near future, starting from the 2020 Asian Junior & Youth Orienteering Championships in Hong Kong this December. As WOC 2022 is a Sprint version, it means Asian countries will have more incentives to debut in Denmark than in a forest WOC.

Moreover, we can expect countries and regions like China, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei), Hong Kong, South Korea and others will send their teams again in 2022.

Perhaps, then, WOC 2022 in Denmark will have the hitherto highest number of Asian teams joining?


Pattaya outside the pubs: 3 places of nature you’d love to expore

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Pattaya, Thailand has a lot of offer outside the pubs. Explore three places around the city for you as an orienteering and nature lover!

Pattaya is known for its pubs and nightlife, and often thought of as overdeveloped for tourism. But outside the pubs, there is much nature for you to explore.

From beaches to forest, from kayaking to hiking, from orienteering to mountain biking, you as an outdoor lover will get something to enjoy.

Koh Larn is the best known island of nature around Pattaya. (Public domain photo)

1. Koh Larn

Koh Larn (or Ko Lan) is an island off Pattaya, which can be reached by ferry from Bali Hai Pier.

The island is a popular destination for locals and international tourists to escape the hustle and bustle of Bangkok and Pattaya, and has in time became developed for tourism. Still, the island retains its charm with beaches, villages and cafes.

Besides water sports like diving and kayaking, there are a lot of hiking trails on the island with good views of Pattaya city.

There are many villages on the island, the biggest of which is Naban where most of the ferries go to. Tawaen, Samae and Nual are also popular beaches with ferries; you need to make sure you take the right ferry.

Thailand International Orienteering Championship & #AsiaCityRace will have two races on the island on 6 November 2021.

Khao Mai Keao is a pleasant place for hiking, running and mountain biking. (Photo: Raphael Mak)

2. Khao Mai Keao

Less than half an hour from Pattaya city is a natural reserve called Khao Mai Keao, which spans the hills and forests around a reservoir. There are many trails in this area, making it a popular precinct for running and mountain biking.

Landrunning World Series 2021 Pattaya Station will be held here on 31 October 2021. Want some Halloween treats? Learn more about the full marathon (42,195 km) where you can choose your own route.

Ko Sichang has been an important port in the proximity of Bangkok, then and now, but the island also has its charming natural side. (Public domain photo)

3. Ko Sichang

An island off the city of Sriracha north of Pattaya, Ko Sichang is less visited than Ko Lan but does not disappoint.

The island’s main draw are not the beaches but of some temples and the Phra Chudathut Ratchathan Palace, a royal residence during the reign of King Chulalongkorn. There are also plenty of coastal scenic spots.

Ko Sichang is also geographically near to Bangkok, and it’s an important port for transshipment between ocean-going ships and the Chao Phraya River boats. The main port of Bangkok for large ships, Laem Chabang, is not far from Ko Sichang on the mainland.

The port facilities, however, are on the east side, leaving the nature on the west side relatively unspoiled.

Pattaya is a gateway to proceed further down the east coast into Rayong and Trat.

Further from Pattaya: Rayong and Trat

Further down the Sukhumvit Road (the main coastal road linking Bangkok and the eastern seaboard), there are more nature for you to explore.

Ko Samet in neighbouring Rayong Province is a pristine island with unspoiled beaches, and part of a national park. It’s also known for being a setting of the epic poem Phra Aphai Mani by the royal poet Sunthorn Phu (1786-1855).

Further into Trat Province which borders Cambodia, Ko Chang is literally the island of elephants where you can indeed see elephants, although its name is due to its shape, not its elephants which are probably moved there from elsewhere in Thailand. And with beaches and many indigenous animal species, Ko Chang should be on every nature lover’s list.

Join us at the Thailand International Orienteering Championship & Training Camp this autumn.

Join us at the Thailand International Orienteering Championship and Training Camp in autumn

Orienteering is the nature lover’s sport! Explore city and forest with the Thailand International Orienteering Championship and training camp from 30 October to 7 November 2021. Stay at the Ravindra Beach Resort & Spa with our hotel packages with free breakfast and airport transfer. Book by August to receive a free event jersey!


Thailändska orienteringsmästerskapet i Pattaya 2021 – Anmäl dig & betala sedan med swish/faktura

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Res till Thailand för orientering - mästerskapet i Pattaya över höstlovet!

Midsommar är det redan, och dagarna kommer att förkorta sig så småningom. Därför är det dags att planera din Thailandsvistelse för att resa bort från den svenska vinterns mörker och kyla! Och finns det bättre sätt med att uppleva den tropiska naturen än orientering?

Anmäl dig till Thailändska mästerskapet (TIOC 2021) i Pattaya, som löper från 30 oktober till 7 november 2021 med en träningcamp. Med en veckas navigeringssport kan du upptäcka Thailands natur i tropiska värmen. Denna period matchar även höstlovet i Stockholm och flera andra kommuner. Läs inbjudan.

Du kan nu anmäla snabbt med ett formulär och betala sedan med Swish eller mot faktura!

Siste gången det blev ett mästerskap inom orientering i Thailand var 2019 i Chiang Mai.
Siste gången det blev ett mästerskap inom orientering i Thailand var 2019 i Chiang Mai.

Upplev Thailand med orientering

Orientering finns i Thailand sedan länge i scouting, dock inte förrän 2019 har Thailand blivit medlem i Internationella Orienteringsförbundet (IOF). Sista orienteringsmästerskapet i Thailand hände i december 2019 (nyår 2020) i Chiang Mai.

Efter pandemiåret ska Thailand starta igen med internationella orientering. I höst ska det tredje mästerskapet äga rum i och runt Pattaya. Bo bekvämt hos vårt officiella hotell, The Ravindra Beach Resort & Spa på Jomtiens strand, med våra hotellpaket. Till hotellpaket ingår även flygplatstransfer, föreläsning och seminarium.

Du kan upptäcka Pattayas stad och skog med orientering.

Vi startar med Landrunning World Series 2021 Pattaya Station på halloween (31 oktober) i Khao Mai Keaos skog öster om Pattaya stad. Landrunning är en typ löpning liksom “förenklad orientering” med alla checkpunkter på stigar, vilket gör det säkrare än vanlig orientering. Du kan välja mellan 5 km, 10 km, halvmaraton och maraton. På kvällen har vi en hemlig halloweentävling vid hotellet!

Därefter fortsätter vi med en utflykt till Ko Samet den 1 november och träningar från 2 till 4 november. Den 5 till 7 november har vi huvudrätten Thailändska mästerskapet i orientering samt #AsiaCityRace Pattaya, med 4 lopp i stad och skog.

Res till Thailand - du som är fullt vaccinerad slipper karantän fr.o.m. 1 juli 2021
Vi har tidigare rapporterat om att du som fullt vaccinerade slipper karantän i Phuket fr.o.m. 1 juli. Nu ska hela Thailand återöppna utan karantän till vaccinerade i höst!

Ingen karantän för fullt vaccinerade från oktober

I mitten av juni 2021 lovade Thailands statsminister Prayut Chan-o-cha att Thailand ska öppna upp igen inom 120 dagar, dvs karantänkrav slopas helt för dem som har fått två doser covidvaccin. Det är alltså omkring mitten av oktober att återöppningen ska ske. Samtidigt ska de allra flesta thailänderna ha fått åtminstone en dos vaccin vid återöppningen i oktober.

Vi vill att du ska känna dig säkert under resan till Thailand. I landet har man stränga krav om hälsa och säkerhet, vilka innebär att du kan känna dig trygg och nöjd när du upptäcker Thailands natur.

Landrunning är liksom “förenklad orientering” med alla kontroller på stigar. Vi hoppas att på så sätt lockar dem många löpare i Thailand att pröva navigeringssporten.

Fler tävlingar i Asien 2021/2022

Återöppningar förväntas även vid andra asiatiska länder! Vi planerar flera tävlingar i Hongkong, Malaysia, Filippinerna, Nepal och flera länder. Följ ORIEN.ASIA på Facebook och Instagram för att vara först med att få veta när tävlingarna ska öppna för anmälan!

Vi planerar fler tävlingar i Asien 2021/2022, i samband med återöppningarna till turister.
Vi planerar fler tävlingar i Asien 2021/2022, i samband med återöppningarna till turister.

Betala snyggt och enkelt

Du kan fylla in formuläret först och betala sedan med flera sätt! Du kan betala med Swish eller mot faktura via bankgiro eller bankkonto. Vill du betala med betalkort eller kreditkort hänvisar vi dig till Metvigo för anmälan och betalning.

Du kan välja en eller flera av tävlingarna och bo så många nätter som du vill. Ju mer nätter du stannar, desto billigare det är genomsnittligt.

Om du har många klubbkompisar som kommer till mästerskapet kan vi även ge er en förmånlig klubbrabatt.

Anmäl redan nu för att säkra din plats och gratis tröja!