
Singapore starts orienteering ranking league this year!

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Ever been to Singapore for orienteering? Not quite a popular competition destination for orienteers (yet), but it’s rising quick among the Asian orienteers!

A ranking league is not only important for the fair comparison of athletes. It can also be a boost to publicity and attract more people to the sport. As a higher level event, ranking events are often opportunities for orienteers across regions to mix and chill, like Hong Kong recently did by designating one of the ranking events as a “Guangdong-HK-Macau Championships”.

This year, Singapore will be joining the ranks of major orienteering nations by starting a ranking league. The first event will be held in April and spread out to 3 days, each day with a different location and format:

If you’re going to be in Singapore that weekend, this is sure to be something you don’t want to miss.


Visste du att…?

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Vi älskar orientering! (Foto från MetOC Knockout Sprint 2017)
  1. Hongkong är kanske först i Asien att ha orientering som idrott. Som en av de sista brittiska kolonierna hade armén tagit orienteringssporten från Europa till Hongkong i 1950/1960-talet. Soldaterna sprider sporten till polisen och scouterna, därefter till andra människor, osv. Hongkong Orienteringsklubb (Hong Kong Orienteering Club, HKOC) startades år 1979, och Hongkongs orienteringsförbund (Orienteering Association of Hong Kong) bildades ett par år senare.
  2. Orientering spreds från Hongkong till andra länder i Asien
    — först till fastland Kina i 1980-talet, och har nu ökats till mer än ett dussin länder och regioner (se Destinationer)
  3. Det finns 7 länder/regioner i Asien (ej Mellanöstern) som har organiserat IOF-elittävlingar (WRE, Asiatiska mästerskapet, VM) åtminstone en gång, nämligen Kina, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), Hongkong, Sydkorea, Japan, Kazakstan, Malaysia
  4. Kina brukar använda sina hemgjorda stämplingssystemen, Chinahealth och Learnjoy. IOF har tillåtit användning av Learnjoy i WRE-tävlingar på ett tidsbegränsat sätt. Hongkong använde norska EMIT men bytte till SPORTident omkring år 2014 (några klubbar använder dock kinesiska systemen). Japan använder EMIT fortfarande.
  5. Om du har varit i Storbritannien för orientering, kanske vet du att visselpippa krävs i skogstävlingarna för din säkerhet. Det gäller också i Hongkong, där orienteringsregler är baserad på brittiska regler (på grund av punkt 1 ovan).
  6. Det finns nu (2019) en medlem från Asien, också den enda från utanför Europa, i IOF:s Council. Han heter Dominic Yue, som är också ordförande i Hongkongs orienteringsförbund (OAHK).
Chinahealth är tillverkad i Shenzhen, Kina.


Did you know…?

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We love orienteering! (Photo from MetOC Knockout Sprint 2017)
  1. Hong Kong is probably the earliest place in Asia to have orienteering as a sport. Being one of the last remaining British colonies in the 20th century, the British Armed Forces brought the sport from Europe to Hong Kong in the 1950s/1960s, then taught the police and the scouts how to play it, then taught other people etc.
  2. From Hong Kong the sport went on to other places in Asia: starting from Mainland China in the 1980s, orienteering is now played in well over a dozen countries and regions (see Destinations)
  3. There are 7 countries/regions in Asia (excluding the Middle East) which have hosted IOF high-level events (WRE, AsOC, WOC) at least once: China, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia
  4. China mostly uses its own two systems, Chinahealth and Learnjoy, the latter of which is on IOF’s provisional approval list for WRE events. Hong Kong once used the Norwegian punch system EMIT, but switched to SPORTident some time around 2014 (some clubs use the Chinese systems however). Japan still uses EMIT.
  5. If you’ve been to Britain for orienteering, chances are that you’d been required to bring a whistle with you in the woods. Same applies to Hong Kong, where the rules of the sport are derived from British ones (due to point 1 above).
  6. There is currently (as of 2019) one IOF council member from Asia (also the only non-European member), Dominic Yue who is also the chairman of the Orienteering Association of Hong Kong.
Chinahealth is made in Shenzhen, China